Menkeu Tantang Dua Pasangan Capres Naikkan Harga BBM

Menteri Keuangan Chatib Basri menantang kedua calon presiden (capres) yang akan bertarung pada pemilihan presiden (pilpres) 9 Juli 2014 untuk memungkinkan opsi kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara-Perubahan (RAPBN-P) 2014. 
Hal ini disampaikan Chatib dalam pembahasan RAPBNP 2014 bersama Badan Anggaran (Banggar) DPR RI di Gedung Nusantara II, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (3/6/2014).

Menurut dia, pemerintah telah mengupayakan opsi tersebut pada 2013. Penawaran opsi itu, lanjutnya, tidak lagi dimungkinkan karena situasi politik yang memang sulit untuk diterapkan.

"Opsi kenaikan harga 2013 kita sudah meminta waktu itu. Kalau sekarang situasi politik tidak mudah. Keputusan strategis tidak boleh diambil. Kecuali kalau kedua calon presiden yang baru meminta kenaikan harga dan partai meminta semua saya akan naikkan harga," tutur Chatib.

Pendapat tersebut diutarakan Chatib mengingat sisa periode APBN-P 2014 terhitung Oktober sudah merupakan masa pemerintahan baru yang akan dipilih bulan depan.

Chatib menerangkan, saat ini anggaran subsidi energi memang cukup besar yakni mencapai Rp445 triliun. Jika dibagi per bulan maka anggaran subsidi habis sekira Rp37 triliun per bulan. Opsi tersebut, menurut dia, penting untuk dipertimbangkan para kandidat mengingat besaran defisit yang mengancam di akhir tahun ini.

"Ini kita bahas agar tidak ada beban untuk presiden baru karena defisit melebihi 3 persen itu November nanti. Sebagai bangsa tidak boleh melakukan ini," ujarnya.

Dirinya berharap anggota DPR bisa bekerja sama dengan pemerintah sekarang agar defisit anggaran tidak melebar hingga batas yang tidak stabil. "Makanya, kami lakukan pemotongan anggaran. Kalau mau kasih beban kami tak akan datang dengan pemotongan anggaran di APBN-P ini," jelasnya. (rzy)
(Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Minister of Finance challenged two presidential candidates raise prices of BBM

Finance Minister Chatib Basri challenging both presidential candidates who will compete in the presidential election (election) July 9, 2014 to allow for the option price hike of fuel oil (BBM) in the Draft State Budget Amendment (Proposed Revised) 2014.
It is delivered in the discussion RAPBNP Chatib 2014 with Budget Agency (Banggar) House of Representatives in Nusantara II Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (06/03/2014).

According to him, the government has sought the option in 2013. Offer that option, he added, is no longer possible due to the political situation which is difficult to implement.

"The option price increases in 2013 we've been asking for that time. If now the political situation is not easy. Strategic decision should not be taken. Except as both presidential candidates requesting a new price increase and the party I would ask all raise the price," said Chatib.

The opinions expressed Chatib remember the rest period Revised as of October 2014 has been a time of new government to be elected next month.

Chatib explained, the current energy subsidy is large enough that reach Rp445 trillion. If the budget is divided per month subsidy runs approximately Rp37 trillion per month. The option, according to him, it is important to consider the candidates given the massive deficit that threatens at the end of this year.

"This we discussed that there is no burden for the new president because the deficit exceeds 3 per cent in November. As a nation should not be doing this," he said.

He hoped members of the House can work together with the government budget deficit now that is not widened to an extent that is not stable. "So, we did budget cuts. If you want to load our love will not come up with budget cuts in the state budget," he explained. (Rzy)
( English Version )  

Management Accounting

Management accounting or managerial accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions.
In contrast to financial accountancy information, management accounting information is:
  • primarily forward-looking, instead of historical
  • model based with a degree of abstraction to support decision making generically, instead of case based;
  • designed and intended for use by managers within the organization, instead of being intended for use by shareholders, creditors, and public regulators;
  • usually confidential and used by management, instead of publicly reported;
  • computed by reference to the needs of managers, often using management information systems, instead of by reference to general financial accounting standards.

One simple definition of management accounting is the provision of financial and non-financial decision-making information to managers.
According to the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA): "Management accounting is a profession that involves partnering in management decision making, devising planning and performance management systems,and providing expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in the formulation and implementation of an organization's strategy".
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) states that management accounting as practice extends to the following three areas:
  • Strategic management—advancing the role of the management accountant as a strategic partner in the organization.
  • Performance management—developing the practice of business decision-making and managing the performance of the organization.
  • Risk management—contributing to frameworks and practices for identifying, measuring, managing and reporting risks to the achievement of the objectives of the organization.
The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA) states "A management accountant applies his or her professional knowledge and skill in the preparation and presentation of financial and other decision oriented information in such a way as to assist management in the formulation of policies and in the planning and control of the operation of the undertaking". Management accountants therefore are seen as the "value-creators" amongst the accountants. They are much more interested in forward looking and taking decisions that will affect the future of the organization, than in the historical recording and compliance (score keeping) aspects of the profession. Management accounting knowledge and experience can therefore be obtained from varied fields and functions within an organization, such as information management, treasury, efficiency auditing, marketing, valuation, pricing, logistics, etc.
management accounting there are almost an infinite number of tools, methods, techniques and approaches floating around.
The distinction between traditional and innovative accounting practices is perhaps best illustrated with the visual timeline (see sidebar) of managerial costing approaches presented at the Institute of Management Accountants 2011 Annual Conference.
Traditional standard costing (TSC), used in cost accounting, dates back to the 1920s and is a central method in management accounting practiced today because it is used for financial statement reporting for the valuation of income statement and balance sheet line items such as cost of goods sold (COGS) and inventory valuation. Traditional standard costing must comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP US) and actually aligns itself more with answering financial accounting requirements rather than providing solutions for management accountants. Traditional approaches limit themselves by defining cost behavior only in terms of production or sales volume.
In the late 1980s, accounting practitioners and educators were heavily criticized on the grounds that management accounting practices (and, even more so, the curriculum taught to accounting students) had changed little over the preceding 60 years, despite radical changes in the business environment. In 1993, the Accounting Education Change Commission Statement Number 4 calls for faculty members to come down from their ivory towers and expand their knowledge about the actual practice of accounting in the workplace. Professional accounting institutes, perhaps fearing that management accountants would increasingly be seen as superfluous in business organizations, subsequently devoted considerable resources to the development of a more innovative skills set for management accountants.
Variance analysis is a systematic approach to the comparison of the actual and budgeted costs of the raw materials and labor used during a production period. While some form of variance analysis is still used by most manufacturing firms, it nowadays tends to be used in conjunction with innovative techniques such as life cycle cost analysis and activity-based costing, which are designed with specific aspects of the modern business environment in mind. life-cycle costing recognizes that managers' ability to influence the cost of manufacturing a product is at its greatest when the product is still at the design stage of its product life-cycle (i.e., before the design has been finalized and production commenced), since small changes to the product design may lead to significant savings in the cost of manufacturing the products.
Activity-based costing (ABC) recognizes that, in modern factories, most manufacturing costs are determined by the amount of 'activities' (e.g., the number of production runs per month, and the amount of production equipment idle time) and that the key to effective cost control is therefore optimizing the efficiency of these activities. Both lifecycle costing and activity-based costing recognize that, in the typical modern factory, the avoidance of disruptive events (such as machine breakdowns and quality control failures) is of far greater importance than (for example) reducing the costs of raw materials. Activity-based costing also deemphasizes direct labor as a cost driver and concentrates instead on activities that drive costs, As the provision of a service or the production of a product component.
Other approach that can be viewed as innovative to the U.S. is the German approach, Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK). Although it has been in practiced in Europe for more than 50 years, neither GPK nor the proper treatment of 'unused capacity' is widely practiced in the U.S. GPK and the concept of unused capacity is slowly becoming more recognized in America, and "could easily be considered 'advanced' by U.S. standards".
One of the more innovative accounting practices available today is resource consumption accounting (RCA). RCA has been recognized by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) as a "sophisticated approach at the upper levels of the continuum of costing techniques" because it provides the ability to derive costs directly from operational resource data or to isolate and measure unused capacity costs. RCA was derived by taking the best costing characteristics of the German management accounting approach Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK), and combining the use of activity-based drivers when needed, such as those used in activity-based costing. With the RCA approach, resources and their costs are considered as "foundational to robust cost modeling and managerial decision support, because an organization's costs and revenues are all a function of the resources and the individual capacities that produce them".

( English version )

Akuntansi Manajemen

Akuntansi manajemen atau akuntansi manajerial berkaitan dengan ketentuan dan penggunaan informasi akuntansi untuk manajer dalam organisasi, sebagai dasar untuk membuat keputusan bisnis yang akan memungkinkan mereka untuk lebih siap dalam pengelolaan dan pengendalian fungsi mereka.Berbeda dengan informasi akuntansi keuangan, akuntansi manajemen informasi adalah:
  • memandang ke depan, bukan untuk sesuatu yang telah terjadi;
  • model berbasis dengan tingkat abstraksi untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan secara umum, bukan kasus berbasis;
  • dirancang dan dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh para manajer dalam organisasi, bukannya dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh pemegang saham, kreditur, dan regulator publik;
  • biasanya rahasia dan digunakan oleh manajemen, bukan dilaporkan kepada publik;
  • dihitung dengan mengacu pada kebutuhan manajer, sering menggunakan sistem informasi manajemen, bukan dengan mengacu pada standar akuntansi keuangan umum.
Definisi    Salah satu definisi sederhana dari akuntansi manajemen adalah pemberian informasi pengambilan keputusan keuangan dan non-keuangan kepada manajer.  
Menurut Institute of Management Accountants (IMA): "Akuntansi manajemen adalah profesi yang melibatkan bermitra dalam pengambilan keputusan manajemen, merancang perencanaan dan manajemen kinerja sistem, dan menyediakan keahlian dalam pelaporan keuangan dan pengendalian untuk membantu manajemen dalam perumusan dan implementasi strategi "organisasi.
The American Institute Akuntan Publik (AICPA) menyatakan bahwa akuntansi manajemen sebagai praktek meluas ke tiga bidang berikut:
  • Manajemen-maju Strategis peran akuntan manajemen sebagai mitra strategis dalam organisasi.
  • Kinerja manajemen mengembangkan praktek pengambilan keputusan bisnis dan mengelola kinerja organisasi.
  • Manajemen memberikan kontribusi risiko dengan kerangka kerja dan praktik untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur, mengelola dan melaporkan risiko terhadap pencapaian tujuan organisasi.    
The Institute of Certified Akuntan Manajemen (ICMA) menyatakan "Seorang akuntan manajemen menerapkan pengetahuan profesional nya dan keterampilan dalam penyusunan dan penyajian informasi berorientasi keputusan keuangan dan lainnya sedemikian rupa untuk membantu manajemen dalam perumusan kebijakan dan dalam perencanaan dan pengendalian operasi usaha tersebut ". Akuntan manajemen oleh karena itu dilihat sebagai "pencipta nilai" antara akuntan. Mereka jauh lebih tertarik melihat ke depan dan mengambil keputusan yang akan mempengaruhi masa depan organisasi, daripada dalam aspek pencatatan dan kepatuhan (skor keeping) sejarah profesi. Pengetahuan akuntansi manajemen dan pengalaman sehingga dapat diperoleh dari berbagai bidang dan fungsi dalam sebuah organisasi, seperti manajemen informasi, keuangan, audit efisiensi, pemasaran, penilaian, penetapan harga, logistik, dllAkuntansi manajemen ada hampir jumlah tak terbatas alat, metode, teknik dan pendekatan mengambang sekitar.
Perbedaan antara praktek akuntansi tradisional dan inovatif mungkin paling diilustrasikan dengan timeline visual (lihat sidebar) pendekatan biaya manajerial dipresentasikan pada Konferensi Tahunan 2011 Institut Akuntan Manajemen.Tradisional biaya standar (TSC), yang digunakan dalam akuntansi biaya, tanggal kembali ke tahun 1920-an dan merupakan metode sentral dalam akuntansi manajemen dipraktekkan saat ini karena digunakan untuk laporan keuangan pelaporan untuk penilaian laporan laba rugi dan neraca item baris seperti biaya barang yang dijual (COGS) dan penilaian persediaan. Traditional standar biaya harus sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum (GAAP AS) dan benar-benar menyelaraskan diri dengan lebih menjawab kebutuhan akuntansi keuangan daripada memberikan solusi untuk akuntan manajemen. Pendekatan tradisional membatasi diri dengan mendefinisikan perilaku biaya hanya dalam hal produksi atau volume penjualan.Pada akhir 1980-an, praktisi akuntansi dan pendidik yang banyak dikritik dengan alasan bahwa praktik akuntansi manajemen (dan, bahkan lebih, kurikulum yang diajarkan untuk mahasiswa akuntansi) telah berubah sedikit lebih dari sebelumnya 60 tahun, meskipun perubahan radikal dalam lingkungan bisnis. Pada tahun 1993, Akuntansi Komisi Perubahan Pendidikan Pernyataan Nomor 4 panggilan untuk anggota fakultas untuk turun dari menara gading mereka dan memperluas pengetahuan mereka tentang praktek yang sebenarnya akuntansi di tempat kerja. Lembaga akuntansi profesional, mungkin takut bahwa akuntan manajemen akan semakin dilihat sebagai berlebihan dalam organisasi bisnis, kemudian menyediakan sumber daya yang cukup besar untuk pengembangan keterampilan yang lebih inovatif ditetapkan untuk akuntan manajemen.Analisis varians adalah pendekatan sistematis untuk perbandingan biaya aktual dan dianggarkan dari bahan baku dan tenaga kerja yang digunakan selama periode produksi. Sementara beberapa bentuk analisis varians masih digunakan oleh sebagian besar perusahaan manufaktur, itu saat ini cenderung digunakan dalam hubungannya dengan teknik inovatif seperti analisis biaya siklus hidup dan kegiatan berbasis biaya, yang dirancang dengan aspek-aspek spesifik dari lingkungan bisnis modern dalam pikiran . siklus hidup costing mengakui bahwa kemampuan manajer untuk mempengaruhi biaya manufaktur suatu produk paling besar ketika produk masih pada tahap desain produk siklus hidup (yaitu, sebelum desain telah diselesaikan dan produksi dimulai), karena perubahan kecil dengan desain produk dapat menyebabkan penghematan yang signifikan dalam biaya manufaktur produk.Activity-based costing (ABC) mengakui bahwa, di pabrik-pabrik modern, sebagian besar biaya produksi ditentukan oleh jumlah 'kegiatan' (misalnya, jumlah produksi berjalan per bulan, dan jumlah peralatan produksi waktu idle) dan bahwa kunci untuk pengendalian biaya yang efektif karena itu mengoptimalkan efisiensi kegiatan ini. Kedua siklus hidup biaya dan kegiatan berbasis biaya mengakui bahwa, di pabrik modern yang khas, menghindari kejadian mengganggu (seperti kerusakan mesin dan kegagalan kontrol kualitas) adalah jauh lebih penting daripada (misalnya) mengurangi biaya bahan baku. Activity-based costing juga deemphasizes tenaga kerja langsung sebagai pemicu biaya dan berkonsentrasi hanya pada kegiatan yang mendorong biaya, Sebagai penyediaan layanan atau produksi komponen produk.Pendekatan lain yang dapat dipandang sebagai inovatif ke AS adalah pendekatan Jerman, Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK). Meskipun telah dipraktekkan di Eropa selama lebih dari 50 tahun, baik GPK maupun perawatan yang tepat dari 'kapasitas yang tidak terpakai' secara luas dipraktekkan di GPK AS dan konsep kapasitas yang tidak terpakai perlahan-lahan menjadi lebih dikenal di Amerika, dan "bisa dengan mudah dianggap 'canggih' oleh standar AS ".Salah satu praktik akuntansi yang lebih inovatif yang tersedia saat ini adalah akuntansi konsumsi sumber daya (RCA). RCA telah diakui oleh International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) sebagai "pendekatan yang canggih di tingkat atas dari kontinum teknik biaya" karena memberikan kemampuan untuk menurunkan biaya langsung dari data sumber daya operasional atau untuk mengisolasi dan mengukur biaya kapasitas yang tidak terpakai . RCA berasal dengan mengambil karakteristik costing terbaik dari pendekatan manajemen akuntansi Jerman Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK), dan menggabungkan penggunaan driver berdasarkan aktivitas bila diperlukan, seperti yang digunakan dalam kegiatan berbasis biaya. Dengan pendekatan RCA, sumber daya dan biaya mereka dianggap sebagai "dasar untuk biaya pemodelan yang kuat dan mendukung keputusan manajerial, karena biaya dan pendapatan organisasi adalah semua fungsi dari sumber daya dan kemampuan individu yang menghasilkan mereka".
( Versi Bahasa Indonesia ) 
sumber :

Traffic accident kills
driver on Jl. Sudirman

A speeding Toyota Avanza MPV hit a tree, burst into flames and killed the unidentified driver on Jl. Sudirman on Thursday morning. The car is currently at the Jakarta Police compound while the remains of the driver have been taken to the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital’s morgue for identification.

“The car was going very fast and it suddenly hit a tree and then caught on fire,” head of Jakarta Police traffic accident Comr. Miyanto said as quoted by

He said the police were still trying to identify whether the driver was in a good condition to drive. So far the police could only confirm that the driver was male and the car’s document was under the name of PT Suryo Sudiro, with an address registered in Cinere, Depok.

Noone had yet claimed either the driver or the car.

There has been an increase in the number of traffic accidents in Jakarta lately with the drivers under the influence of drugs. For example a Porsche sedan hit another car at the Sudirman business district, the Porsche driver was found to have consumed drugs. Both the Porsche driver and passenger were named suspects in the reckless driving case.

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Belitung is among the most beautiful islands in Southeast Asia. Pristine white sand beaches look out on a turquoise sea filled with great snorkelling and a fantastic display of off shore islands. Check out Tanjung Kelayang and Tanjung Tinggi for world class beaches without the hustle and bustle now found at beaches of this calibre elsewhere. Small uninhabited off shore islands range from white sand fringed coconut plantations to elaborate granite rock formations to long temporary sand bars of sand the quality of powdered sugar. Some are too far to swim to from the shore, but colourful local fishing boats will take you on an island tour.

As yet uncharted by the Lonely Planet guide of 2012, no big resorts have been built here yet but it will not remain a sleepy paradise for long. The widely-translated novels Laskar Pelangi (“Rainbow Troops”) published in 2005 and its sequel “The Dreamer” have done a lot to put Belitung on the map of international tourism.

The best time to visit: Dry season (April – October) is obviously sunnier but can be very windy, resulting in choppy waters. During the rainy season (November – March) there is less wind though it does rain most afternoons. The school holidays (June-July) are best avoided as a lot of local tourists come from elsewhere in Indonesia. Similarly weekends can be quite busy with large Indonesian tour groups visiting from Jakarta. Interesting annual cultural festivals include:

Tour d’Belitung: 300km bike race around the island held every December.Outrigger sail boat race held every October/November at Burung Mandi Beach. Includes a sand statute competition.

  1. Get in
  • By plane
Daily flights connect Tanjung Pandan to Jakarta (1h flight), Palembang and Pangkal Pinang. These routes are served by Sriwijaya Air, Batavia Air and Sky Aviation. Since March 2013, Batavia Air officially declared for bankruptcy and all their routes in were stopped include Jakarta (CGK) to Tanjung Pandan, Belitung (TJQ).
Garuda indonesia newly opened a route from Jakarta (CGK) to Belitung (TJQ) since 23 May 2013 Citilink also provides a route from jakarta (CGK) to belitung (TJQ).

  • By boat
Ferries leave and go to Jakarta, Cirebon, Pontianak (Kalimantan), and Bangka. Smaller fishing craft can be chartered for some harder to reach places and small islands.

      2. Get around
Belitung is small enough that more or less any point on the island can be reached in less than two hours from the main town Tanjung Pandan. However, taxis are non-existent and public transportation on the island is hard to find, so the only practical way of moving around is to rent a car or a motorcycle. If you rent a car, expect to pay Rp 400,000 – 600,000 per day for a good car with driver (all inclusive). A common and fair deal for both parties is Rp 600,000 – 800,000 for the whole weekend including airport drop-off on the last morning. Keep in mind that with that they have enough for the whole month.

Alternatively when you arrive at the airport, you can haggle with locals to get you to your hotel and arrange the rest of the transportation from there. Or ask your hotel to pick you up from the airport (which the upscale ones will do anyway). Once you arrive at your hotel you can then rent a motorcycle from Rp 50,000 per day (excluding petrol) from most resorts and explore the beaches yourself; they are well signposted. However, expect to get wet during rainy season! Here is a decent road map with some nice photos.

There are no ojek (motor cycle taxis) on the island but locals may be willing to give you a lift on their motorcycle for short distances (Rp 15,000 – 20,000).

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