Menkeu Tantang Dua Pasangan Capres Naikkan Harga BBM

Menteri Keuangan Chatib Basri menantang kedua calon presiden (capres) yang akan bertarung pada pemilihan presiden (pilpres) 9 Juli 2014 untuk memungkinkan opsi kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara-Perubahan (RAPBN-P) 2014. 
Hal ini disampaikan Chatib dalam pembahasan RAPBNP 2014 bersama Badan Anggaran (Banggar) DPR RI di Gedung Nusantara II, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (3/6/2014).

Menurut dia, pemerintah telah mengupayakan opsi tersebut pada 2013. Penawaran opsi itu, lanjutnya, tidak lagi dimungkinkan karena situasi politik yang memang sulit untuk diterapkan.

"Opsi kenaikan harga 2013 kita sudah meminta waktu itu. Kalau sekarang situasi politik tidak mudah. Keputusan strategis tidak boleh diambil. Kecuali kalau kedua calon presiden yang baru meminta kenaikan harga dan partai meminta semua saya akan naikkan harga," tutur Chatib.

Pendapat tersebut diutarakan Chatib mengingat sisa periode APBN-P 2014 terhitung Oktober sudah merupakan masa pemerintahan baru yang akan dipilih bulan depan.

Chatib menerangkan, saat ini anggaran subsidi energi memang cukup besar yakni mencapai Rp445 triliun. Jika dibagi per bulan maka anggaran subsidi habis sekira Rp37 triliun per bulan. Opsi tersebut, menurut dia, penting untuk dipertimbangkan para kandidat mengingat besaran defisit yang mengancam di akhir tahun ini.

"Ini kita bahas agar tidak ada beban untuk presiden baru karena defisit melebihi 3 persen itu November nanti. Sebagai bangsa tidak boleh melakukan ini," ujarnya.

Dirinya berharap anggota DPR bisa bekerja sama dengan pemerintah sekarang agar defisit anggaran tidak melebar hingga batas yang tidak stabil. "Makanya, kami lakukan pemotongan anggaran. Kalau mau kasih beban kami tak akan datang dengan pemotongan anggaran di APBN-P ini," jelasnya. (rzy)
(Versi Bahasa Indonesia)

Minister of Finance challenged two presidential candidates raise prices of BBM

Finance Minister Chatib Basri challenging both presidential candidates who will compete in the presidential election (election) July 9, 2014 to allow for the option price hike of fuel oil (BBM) in the Draft State Budget Amendment (Proposed Revised) 2014.
It is delivered in the discussion RAPBNP Chatib 2014 with Budget Agency (Banggar) House of Representatives in Nusantara II Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (06/03/2014).

According to him, the government has sought the option in 2013. Offer that option, he added, is no longer possible due to the political situation which is difficult to implement.

"The option price increases in 2013 we've been asking for that time. If now the political situation is not easy. Strategic decision should not be taken. Except as both presidential candidates requesting a new price increase and the party I would ask all raise the price," said Chatib.

The opinions expressed Chatib remember the rest period Revised as of October 2014 has been a time of new government to be elected next month.

Chatib explained, the current energy subsidy is large enough that reach Rp445 trillion. If the budget is divided per month subsidy runs approximately Rp37 trillion per month. The option, according to him, it is important to consider the candidates given the massive deficit that threatens at the end of this year.

"This we discussed that there is no burden for the new president because the deficit exceeds 3 per cent in November. As a nation should not be doing this," he said.

He hoped members of the House can work together with the government budget deficit now that is not widened to an extent that is not stable. "So, we did budget cuts. If you want to load our love will not come up with budget cuts in the state budget," he explained. (Rzy)
( English Version )  

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